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zoo rehan

assalamualaikum! pagiiii! eh, sy ade bkk zoo skang. boleh la bwal anak2 ke dtg melihat binatang peliharaan sy k. msk foc je. baik hati lah katekan.


come here ill take to the zoo tour..yehaaa!

hyee! my name is moo-moo yg cantik jelita. i am 2 years old. my mom is in malaysia rite now. u remember mooyah? the one with black spot. yess..she is my mommy!

hello guys! im 9months old. and my name is si pinki yg kononnye ayu tapi tak pon.

yoo! im yusup. im not very sure about my age but i think im nearly 3years old. cheers!

i am the youngest yet the tallest one! i am 2 months old. they didnt give me any name yet but i really appreciate if you can call me justin. omg i LOVE justin beber!!! (-.-!)

and i am the gorgeous zoo keeper! thats why i have the calendar on my body. i have to monitor their health and growth. oho btw im melinda the squik squik rell!

arent they cute??? if u come to my zoo, u also can take pictures witj them using our special camera.......tadaaaaa!

this camera are connected to the social network. u can straight away uploaded ur picca to fb or twitter or whats so eva! cool isnt it!!

lots of laf~

***credit to the person who fullfill my dream to open the zoo! en dear n miss zubaidah! :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Capik said…
MIahahha.naka2 wehh dio..siap ado zoo lagi..hahaha...xpo.usaha tambah haiwan peliharaan 2..hehehe
izue said…
hohoho. same2 ;)

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