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kenape budak sekarang tak boleh bwk handphone pg sekolah?


cbe scroll tgk gamba2 kt bwh  ni..scroll tgk gamba je duluu........................

haa. ade tak mcm terkembali balek memori silam gtuuu. awwww haha gedik.

actually it came across my mind.. why todays, the student cant bring their handphones to the school or hostel. my sisters and brother are in the boarding school, but there is a rule that students cant bring their phones in the school area. what do u expect? most of them just break the rule. maybe all of them. its like, hello? handphones are as important as an oxygen okayy...cant live without them..phewww. 

few years back, i was also in boarding school in kelantan. mjsc pc rawk!!! haha tetbe. i got into that school in  form 4 and guess what..we can keep the phones and we are free to use it in front of the teachers as long as it doesnt disturb the school and prep time. cool huh? but after the new principle came, which we call him Ayahnda, he makes a new regulation, no handphones are allowed in the school. tp xdek maknenye sumer org nak bungkus blk telepon maseng2 pastu pos kt rumah. kann. misti la buak dekk je. luckily, we also have the cool head warden, cikgu zaidi. 

cikgu ini adelah best giler...ade satu ms tu tgh2 prep, tetbe nmpak die kt dpn kelas..amek kau sumer kalot2 nk sorok telepon mcm la cikgu tu xnmpak.pastu die cam ckp gni. 

"sy nak bwat spot check telefon ni..baek awk semua sorok telefon kt mane2 tapi jgn bwh meja sebab sy nk check bwh meja. charger2 tu semua cabut."

best x warden kamii?? haha kelakar tol. cikgu mmg terbaek laa. pastu die pg meja sorg2 tgk kt bwh meja. konon2 la check gtu, ofcourse la xdek yg kantoi. 

tapi bile pk2 blk, telefon kte dulu bkn boleh bwat ape pon kan..stakat call, msg, habes canggeh pon anta picture message. tu dh kite cam sweet giler sbb picture message mahal siket. mms? apetuu....time tu xdek pon istilah mms, video call, facebook via blackberry, facebook mobile...etc2..telepon plak black and white je. kalau ade yg bwk phone ade kaler, peehh kagum sgt dh tu rase. and this is the most glamor phone ms sy sekolah.   

tadaaa!!! the nokia 3310. ramai gak yg pkai telepon mcm ni.

3315..canggih sket la konon dr 3310 sebab keypad die sambung2...hehe

this is my first phone! dh rase bangge la konon bwk sbb laen sket dr org..poyo la kauuu.

dh msk form 5 ramai yg tuka2 phone..dak2 laki sume nk n-gage ni sbb boleh maen game kot? alaa2 psp gtuuu..hehe pastu ade yg boleh ckp ikot tepi..bajet cool laaa.

phone sy pnah msk air masennn. 2 kali ye. sekali kwn sy bwat, sekali sy bwat seniri. haha before beli baru tu, sy sempat pinjam kwn sy punye enset mcm ni kejap. canggih oi phone die ni..ade kaler2, boleh amek gamba tauuu...gile cheesy wedges keyepci!

hoh0 begitu laahh...sbb tu cikgu pon mcm xkisah kot dlu kiteorg nk bwk telefon. mcm xdek bg effect sgt. stakat nk msg2 pakwe kt blok sebelah. tu pon jarang sebab 1msg 20sen tuu. uih mahal2. tp tgk la phone budak2 sekarang..mak oii kalah la kite ni. sumer yg boleh bkk tenet tuu. mmg patot pon korg xdpt bwk tepon pg skolah. kalo dh keje update status kt fb ngan tweeter, bile ms nk belajor nye! adeh asal bunyik mcm mak2 dh ni..ngaaauuummm2!

l0ts of laf~


syaftome said…
rasa nostalgia plak...
rindu nak tgk h/p tue sumer...
rasanya dh xder lg pakai h/p tue sumer...
coz dh xnmpk lg org pakai...

kitorang dulu...
last year br merasa pakai h/p...
nak SPM plak tue...
last2 kena rampas oleh cikgu...
time kitorang periksa soklan...
cikgu periksa beg...
hmmmm....bagus sgtlah tue...hahaha...

p/s: first h/p aku dulu besar gedabak...mcm walkie talkie pun ada...haha...
#yeRn# said…
eh rehan bkn ke time bonda yg xleh bwk phone?time ayahanda kesayangan ko tu bkn ke leh bwk?haha aku pon da mmg slamber je kn kite cas hset kat klas...hahaha rindu siot nak blk pc...
rehan syazwani said…
syafiq: enset besaq la baru glemer. ade yg boleh bwat botol air skali...hehe

yern: eh yeke..aah ek..baru teringat...kan ade spotcheck yg pojie baling phone die dlm baldi tu kan. tp lepas tu mcm ok je..hehe ntoh la..lame sungguh plak rs. huhu
anas said…
i pakai baterply time tuu, huahua....hebat tak hebat tak?
rehan syazwani said…
fuyooohh!! habat la youu! ;p

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