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baibai kota kinabalu.

after spending about 4years here in this beautiful city, we finally will be moving out. :')

and i have mix of feelings...happy yet sad also,theres so much memories and we really have fun here. i always like being in new places. because i know there will be new things,people, foods especially and etcc...etcc...and i really like to explore it.

since i was small, we've been moving here and there and thats why i didnt really have friends that i really grow up with like other people. i have lots of friends *perasan*, but most of them i met when  my father transfered to the new places. 

if im not mistaken, after i was born, our little family *time tu umi,baba,me and mok yah je.* my father works in taiping,perak. then he continue his degree at UUM and at that time we live in the campus. kt rumah kelamin tuuu.  after finished his study, baba works in alor setar, still in kedah but we move to the new house somewhere in hutan kampung. btw kt situ ade laksa sedap. but it has been agess. ade lg ke eh?

ok. pnat pk ayat..hehehe smbong kot melayu ye. :p  sy stay kt aloq staq smpai darjah 1, sekolah sultanah asma tu duluu. nak jgak. pastu pindah la kuala lipis time darjah 2, taon 1996 kot. time ni la dato siti tgh2 nak naek tuu. i pernah tau ms g tusen drjh 5 ke 6 tah, terserempak ngan die gak. die nak spm rasenye ms tu. rugi xamek gamba pelok2 comolot. (T.T) kalo x boleh tayanggggg. awwww oh kt sana skolah clifford rendah and menengah. nk tau x sy still hafal lagu sekolah ni? haha 

lame gak kt kuala lipis tu, smpai la sy form 2 separuh, baba decide nk smbong master..kt mane? UK ke? hehhh...xdeknyeee. die maseh setia dgn uni kebanggaan. UUM. xgeng la kite baba. makaa, berpindahla kami ke kedah. again? suke betol dok sgt ke kedah? *ade org tu dok kembang2 idong perasan nih..hehe*

master setaon stengah kan..elok2 je lepas sy abes pmr kt smj. yeap time ni kteorg dok kt jitra, kampong hijrah. selepas ituuu, baba kne bertukaaaa kt maran. eh jgn la muke tu begitu. obvious sgt tu xtau. meh nk btau, maran ni dekat pahang..dekat2 ngan temerloh. sy smpat sekolah 2 bulan je kt smk maran sbb lepas tu sy msk mrsm pc. tp 2 bulan kt maran sy dpt ramai kwn baru, and still contact dgn deorg smpai sekarang. hai kawan2 maran! hehe :)

msk je mrsm setat la hidup ku berpisah dari kuarga. smpai la sekarang..dok rumah time blk cuti saje. lepas maran, baba kne pindah keje kt HQ kt kl, so kami duduk kt serendah kt rawang. ye hujung terpaling sekali. larat tol baba berulang hari2 naek komuter. time ni sy pon msk utm dh...and kami pindah kt kk ni taon 2007 smpai la sekarang. 

and ptg td time baba blk lunch die tunjok surat tranfer die.

ABDUL HALIM BIN MAMAT - ..............., PERLIS.

maka keutagha lah kite nanti. dari sabah, ke perlis...peh mmg ujong ke hujong la. bile nk pindah tu xtau lg. kalo ikot surat 17jan ni kne lapor diri kt sane. tp maybe baba mintak tangguh dlu kot nk setel2. umi pon xtau lg boleh ke tak tuka terus. kalo x mmg nanges sorg2 kt sini. bai umi! :p

l0ts of laf~



annsyz said…
wah. .baba kmu kna pindah lg. .if x dpt transfer umi kmu @ cikgu ku sgt kesian la berjauhan dgn yg tercinta. .its a long journey. .btw u met me in KLipis we were classmate in 2 years (2p&3p) than u lepas PTS trus darjah 5. .hehe. .(^_^)
anas said…
yooo....i loike kedah....kedah da bez!!!
rehan syazwani said…
aninsyz: haa..tu la..pindah lgg..hehe kuala lipis tu lame..6 taon kot.
dear: daaa!!! :p
Miss Pija said…
ai dear...been ur silent reader since last year...hehe...kita pernh kluar sesama time kt utm..xpe2..nnti cite yang tu...

sja je nk kat perlis jgk ni...nnt blik msia...blhla kita jmpa sskali..hehe ;)
rehan syazwani said…
hye!! waah..kenape baru memunculkan diri..heeehe kte kuar dlu time pesta konvo tu kan? heeh

ooh sy mmg tgh cuti sekarang. so jmpe di perlis lah ye? ;)

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