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ayuh ayuh ke melbourne


we are at perth domestic airport now, waiting for departing to melbourne.

doakan kami selamat pergi, selamat pulang, selamat semuanyaa. :)

happy holidayss to us! ;)

lots of laf~
cik seri rehan

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Miller Rd,Perth Airport,Australia


Nurmazani said…
Salam syazwani,

saya nurmaZani, ada terbaca ur entry ttg sambung master oversea ni..sincw im also looking for opportunity to study abroad, grateful if u could help me on dis..i ada beberapa soalan nak tanya..i nak tanya u scholar apa ye? And course apa u buat dkt aussie? Lagi satu saya nk tanya for scholar dia cover fees and apa lagi ye? Accomodation covered x? Sorry byk i tanya but i would be grateful if u could response the above :)
rehan syazwani said…
hye haii! boleh..i dtg ni under mara. slalunye awal tahun deorg akan bwat opening utk overseas master and phd student. boleh check deorg punye website, majlis amanah rakyat..memula kne apply then deorg akan pnggil interview..i bwat master of engineering ICT. deorg cover everything dr uni fees smpai monthly allowance utk rumah etc etc. :)
Maz said…
thanks...i lupa nak cek ur blog lepas dah tanyua...heheh..btw when is the rite time for me to apply uni2 ni? cause mara selalu open early of the year...mcm taun ni pun dia offer bulan dah tentu kene dapat placement uni before dat month kan? so dat boley apply scholar..and oh satu lagi..mara ada certain2 subject je ke yg dia bg scholar? cause i was thinking either to take international relations or business economics...?? and oh satu lagi..ielts u bukat dekat mana eh? takut pulak nak exam english ni..hehe btw if u happened to have YM,,,u mind giving it to me? kalau chat senang sikit nak tanya :) sorry kalau byk sgt tanya
rehan syazwani said…
xkesah nak apply uni bila pon..awal pon xpe asalkn time nak apply scholar tu, dh ade offer dr uni..snang sket. i xpasti sgt tp yg i igt, deorg nk support engineering, science etc...u try to check try je apply kan..ielts i bwat dgn british council..i ade tulis jgak psal ielts try tgk kt label ielts kt sbelah..hee btw i dh lama xbkk ym..kalo skype boleh laa..add rehan.syazwani

but now im in malaysia, maybe kurg nk online. tp kalo pape nak tanye boleh jee..ok? ;)
Nurmazani said…
Thanks rehan.appreciate ur help a lot..i will add u thru skype...i just got back from education fair..later when we get to chat i will share with u what i got from the edu fair..
abd latif said…
nurmazani: seems like we have mutual interest in course, business economics.
i dlu amek bussiness econ. uitm perak..mybe kte ley discuss nak sambung mane??

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