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hari saya habis final exam dan bergembira


i've finished my second sem here. alhmdulillah hoping for a good result and i still can come here to continue my study next semester. 

its nearly a year and im enjoying my life here, surrounded by extraordinary people that i met. thanks guys! im blessed because all of you came into my life, making my life beautiful as it is. support me when im down and be my laughing partner when i am feeling silly. u guys also make me feel belong to your circle of people. 

heheehe...just feels like to give some token of appreciation to my friends here cause i think they deserve it. cewaaahs. ;)

so what did i do right after i finished my last paper last tuesday? haa..the paper ends at 12.10pm but i cant help getting confuse every time i re-read the questions and my answer. its getting colder and i cant wait anymore, nature call u know. so i decided to just submit the paper half an hour early. then quickly run back to 
my house.

we waited for dzuhur prayer then we went out for lunch and window shopping. its just me,nash and kak effah because dhamirah has to settle her thingy before she left for malaysia on the next day. then we decided to go to claremont quarter which only 10minutes from our house. the shopping mall here will closed 
at 5pm so if you wanna spend a long time at the mall, you have to go out really early. 

yeah.trying to be yunalis zarai. naa naa.... :p cuteeee!!!

and this is even cuter!!!! *faint

and they also sell dresses and jackets for teddy bear which cost about aud20. haih. i rather let my bear naked. lol

then we went back home, praying asar and maghrib, before went out again for dinner. makan besar before 
dhamirah go back to malaysia and celebrating myself who is the last one that finished the final paper.u know how hard i have to struggle when all of them had finished their paper. fuhh it really needs a high determination okayyy. ;)

we did a orange+lemon picking at dhamirah's family friend house. really fun picking the fruits in the dark. just using iphone led light. fuh. thank god we didnt got arrested. hahaha

i love u guys, bestest housemates ever. from the bottom of my heart. eecewaaahh. :p

this is what we call the egg-tofu temptation. slrppp slrrppp

pisang goreng cheese. THOR-BAEK! like seriously. i've been craving for this from last two weeks.when we went to this restaurant, the pisang goreng always finished. sobs. so at that day, i asked one one my friend who work at this place to reserved one plate for us. yeay! ;D its a happy happy day!! oh btw this is rasa nyonya restaurant at victoria park. their food never disappoints me. nyummeh.

thats all what we do on the first day i finished my final. more story will came up! and im counting days for melbourne,adelaide and of course MALAYSIA! im coming homeeeeeeeee~ 

*please excuses my grammar and vocab. i think i didnt improve much after one year. (T.T)*


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