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hye huii..haiii!

t0morrow ill be sitting for the last ielts paper which is the speaking test...its n0t really a paper actually...its more like 1-1 interview i have to be confident+reduce the stress level+quick thinking....i h0pe eviting will be olrite n i can easily brainstorm the 2minutes topic...aminn!!!

ok let me tell u the structure of the speaking test. its divided int0 3 parts:

1. part 1-u wil be ask question regarding yourself...e.g: family.educati0n,h0use,transportation near ur h0use, etc....

2. part 2 - the examiner will give u a card that contains certain general topic, then u have 1minute to brainst0rm the idea...after that u need to speak f0r 2minutes ab0ut the quite nerves here cause if u cant think of sumting to say, u will l0ok like an idiot with blurry face..gulp!mintak jaohhh!!

3. then she/he will ask you some questions ab0ut the previous topic...maybe some simple question to ensure u understand the topic..

yeah...thats the general idea about ielts speaking test...if english is your speaking language, so u didnt face any difficulties..but f0r me as a native malay speakers, i have t0 practice more to make sure i wouldnt look like a traslation machine tomorrow..huhuu wish me luck frens!!

l0ts of laf~


anas said…
u will do great sayang....hey....jgn luper mencarut dalam engrish kay...sadap u beladi ful!!hahahahakompem dapat A+ heee
rehan syazwani said…
ngahaha..pandai la syg...nanti examiner halau i cane..aiyak! dh la u xdek nk kelaott...isk2~ (T.T) heehe dramaaaaa~

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