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hi frens!!just a quick update in my not-so-busy day...

this m0rning after finally i manage to woke up and feeling jealous with aidha bc0s she still sleeping but why am i suppose to wake up this early??whyy...i think 9a.m still early for babies like us...yeah we are 2 cute little babies...nyam3~ baby ye bkn bab*~seb0t betol2..heee

after sh0wer, i pick up my thingy and im planning to study at the hall...den i brought also my laptop...switch on:check...connect to internet:check...den i started to open the must-open-website-list which i dun have to mention becos u will definitely know..what else...ofkos igoogle,yahoomail,fb and gmail.

den i started to google spa....not the goverment spa but the spa for massage and really need it teacher said that before you take the test, you have to release the i tot this is one of the alternative i can take aite...but after surveying some of the places, i cant really decide which spa can provide best package with affordable price..ofkos im not paying for the very expensive one..i just need some simple yet can help me to are some spa that tend to attract me: Andana Spa , S Spa , a'ace spa . but i havent decided yet.

do you have any place to recommend ??

l0ts of laf~


Unknown said…
rehan syazwani said…
mcm best je!rege pon ok...u pnah pegi ke?
Unknown said…
i pnh pg teman kakak i je..i sendr tk sempt lg...huhu coming soon

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