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Kuala Lumpur Hop on Hop Off Bus


After about 5years (hamagerddd) abandoning this blog and now im backk haha. tapi dh tukar the blog url and theme semua so tht nampak clean sikit. ewahhh

So hello semua. after a while here my first post after being a mom. pasni posting misti so bowring je wakakaa.

smalam kteorg anak beranak bajet2 tourist la jejln kl naik public transport. sbenanye bapaknye je nk claim birthday cum anniversary cum father's day punye present (kesian bini cheapskate haha). dia memula nk g pertama complex je tp mak ni kepala otak bergerak je keje cari pasal nak berjalan so google la pasal bas hop on hop off ni. dah lame gler la usya bas ni asek tgk tourist naek cm best jee. tp dlu igtkn mahal gila pastu cm poyo nye lah. haha

rupanyaaa tiket murah je untuk Malaysian.

RM 19 for adult
Children below 5years freee

lahhh.kekdahnyee. igtkn smpai rm50 sorg haha. so rs cm okey la jugak since bus tu pergi byk tempat. Overall ade 23 stops. boleh naik kt mana2 stop and bayar tiket on the spot je. setiap kali smpai stop suke hati la nk turun bas or taknak. if nk turun bas n jalan2, jgn lupa bwk turun segala mak nenek brg korg ye. stroller ke bag sbb bus tu akn terus gerak to next destination. nanti dtg blk dkt bus stops tu and wait for the next bus je. normally every 20-30 mins akan ade bus lalu.

(click for more info)

Kteorg stay Putrajaya so the cheapest way to go to KL using public transport is LRT. Kteorg park kete kt TBS, then naik LRT trus ke Bandaraya (sbb nk g Pertama Complex). The nearest Hop in hop Off stop here is at Medan Mara. So depends la korg nk plan your journey mcm mana. Tgk which stop yg paleng sng korg access. Kalau malas nk pk, just pergi KL Sentral je sbb kt sne pon ade stop. 

kteorg naik kt stop 18 ni, bebetul dpn bangunan MARA jln raja laut. tu maysa tgh tgk rhymes zzzzzz

berebut tepon ngn mak sbb dia nk amek gambo seniri...eee muke dia saje sebesor bulatan pahang.

amek gambo dr atas bas sajeeee.

First stop yg kteorg turun is kl tower. jalan2 jap pastu luncheon mkn nasik ayam penyett sedapppp! lupe nk amek gambar sbb ade drama hujan teh o ais oleh bapak maysa. wakaka

Lepas setel semua, tggu blk bas kt stop tu, dlm 5 mins cmtu ade bas sampai..hoho saya suka saya suka! sambong la perjalanan lg then next stop yg kteorg decide turun dkt Central Market. Sbb nak pergi Petaling Street jugak, so stop kt CM sbb dekat je. baruuu je jalan 83cm dkt Petaling Street tu tetbe hujannn..sobss mak is saddd. Mujur kejap la gak hujan so pastu  trus g CM. 

benti mamak sbb nk bli air panas utk buat susu maysa (malas aku nk bwk termos haha) pastu skali dia bg fwee saje. terpkse la order teh o ais utk membalas budi. 

igt nk beli buat side income skali sekor ni rege rm247.90. nangehhhhh letak balikkk bang oi!

tgh tggu turn mak mengidam nk pakai henna. wakakaka

lepas jejln CM ni kteorg decide utk blk umh dah la sbb esk keje wey kalo teruskn perjlnan mau smpai malam. haha. so ade lg 8 stops yg kteorg missed out. tp tu mmg not in our preferred list nk pergi pon. jadinye from CM tu kteorg jalan2 ikot suke hati dgn harapan smpai masjid jamek sbb nak naik tren balik ke TBS.


jumpe cm mini masjid nabawi dkt masjid jamek. amek berkatt sikitttt. 

  dont worry bawak jee stroller sbb Malaysia punye public transport sgt wheelchair/stroller friendly. *hats off*. nampk tu dlm gambar ade lif khas for wheelchair. skali stroller la dak? haha

sooo thats all rsnya dh ckop info utk one day touring around Kuala Lumpur. kalau nk tanye ape2 just comment/email je okeyyyy. till then!!



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