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mai raiya


bizi ni bizi! next week nak midterm, pastu ade anta asimen. 

ok short updatee about my raya. its the second raya i spend here and alhamdulillah i had a blast. im blessed to be surrounded by great friends and people. and yeah, i had a chance skyping with beloved families in kota bharu during their first raya. my raya is on 31august kannn. so when u guys in malaysia are already eating rendang ketupat kuzi nasi dagang and all, i am still fasting dear. i. i got extra pahala you know, dont be jealous. :p

can u guys spot mee?? hello!!! im in the picca! *small voice. :p

and here are my raya picture! enjoice rejoice!

okayy...pakcik dah msk blog sy...tahniah!

first house yg kene serang. amir's auntie. *btw amir ni pon bru kenal time g umah auntie die. =.= hehe

hemm hemm....sape kate takdak nasik dagang, sate etc etc kt sini?? anda salah!

with nazirul and izyan ' s family. one happy family at home! yeayyy.

cubaan utk ngorat gadis bwh umor. 

outdoor photoshott kejappp...utk salam perantau tahun dpn. :p

dh setel first day raya...blk rumah, kol 3ptg pegi kelas...haha nice!

then sambong blk raya time weekend tu....yeay!

open house adek2 pharmacist first year. lazat gilaaa makanannn...kenapaaa pandai sgt memasak nih? yg laki pon sama. silalah kawen ngan mereka. seb baek kakak dh terlebeh umor kalo tak dah kenyit2 mata dh kt korg.. *dasar gatal semulajadi. hehe

dhamirah punye mum punye kawan. eh? boleeh je...kt sini kalo sorg kne jempot, kte assume satu rumah la. ;)

ohh then malamnyeee pm ngan wife dtg sini sbb nak beraya dgn have to spare my time with them la..kang kalo xteman deorg, merajok kee...sape nk pujuk? haaa....

kelass kau jahhh. *ayat pemes sgt skang ni. so nk guna jugak.

oh..this the the new face to promote pan pacific hotel. thank you, for choosing me.  Lol *tlg la tampar sket bg sedar. tgh high ni. haha

and oh oh oh the springg is hereee!!! 

subhanallah indahnya ciptaan Allah. :')

lots of laf~


abd latif said…
saya baru je dpt offer letter dr UWA utk further study di sana. intake july 2012..
So, u ada cdgan tak nk apply scholarship mcm mana?
may i hve ur fb account??
so,it would be easier to keep in touch with you..
slamat hari raya by the way...
rehan syazwani said…
ohoo...scholar eh? mara nanti awl next year ade kuar kot...then byk lg.try google malaysia scholarship. fb sy: rehan syazwani.

slamat hari raya too! ;D

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