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short update kengkonon


current location: kangar,perlis
current location temperature: 30-36degrees
current job: lazying around watching all kind of movies and dramas and also being a bibik.
current update of myself: sore throat, flu and just recover from fever. 

its been a while since my last update ya. after the long and fantastic melbourne holiday, theres always something came up and i dont really have time to surf the internet like i always do. after touching down at kuala lumpur on 8th april, i spend 4days there before went back to perlis. because of the tiger's flight cancellation, i just change my flight to kuala lumpur but didnt change the one that to alor setar. alor setar and kangar is just about one hour driving, baba's speed. hehe 

i met up with all my love while in kuala lumpur that u know who u r. and sunday will be the bestestttesttest day of all. thanks love! :)

thanks to kak ani (kak effah's sis) for let me slept at their house for one night and really had fun playing with their little nephew, afeef naufal. so comel malam2 ajak maen tenis. heh for the second night, i slept at timah's place, my mrsm pc friend with arnila and bicak after we had a great dinner at ..... ok i couldnt remember the restaurant name but the food are delicious. thai food. after that we went to uptown seri kembangan i think then i got a head and shoulder massage there only for 10ringgit. thats because of the headache i had. malaysia is too hot i guess. gedik. hahaha :p

then for the third night, i went to baba's room at the hotel near mara office, jalan TAR. he got to do some work in kl. best dok sini senang nak jalan kt tmpt peberet koooo. awww. i bought some shawls and hijabs. for rayaa okay. ;)

 i flew back to alor star at 8.30pm on 12th july with air asia. baba flying with mas and his flight was at 7.50pm if im not mistaken. so he waited for me at alor star airport before we went home together. 

about perlis? hmmm  i dint really love this place. biasa biasa je laa. its hotter that everywhere else in malaysia and my umi couldnt agree more with me okay.  kelmarin xdek letrik then semalam xdek air smpai sekarang. pastu td bkk paip, air kotorr gilaaaa. at my sis hostel kt beseri lg dasyat air batu kapur. die ckp rambot die dh mcm rumput kering. haha

eh perlisian or perlisnese no heart offence ye. korg maybe dh biasa and misti ckp eh gedik gila minah ni perasan keyyel urban ke ape ke. sorry na. bukan mengutuk negeghi hampa ni...cheq ckp yg cheq alami saja. ni dr pandangan cheq seniri, org laen maybe ok je. almaklumlah gen gedik terlebeh xleh bwat paaa dah nih. yg bestnye kt pasar malam boleh bli macam2 makanan yg best la. tp i suka kedah lg. hhehehe tetbe. ;) ohh lupa yg cheq pernah duduk kedah lamaa kot. time kecik2 dlu 6taon, time dh besar sket setaon stengah. and lepas2 ni rasenye mmg mcm kena blk kedah sokmo je. :p

oh lupaaaa...yg paleng xleh terima adelah ketiadaan MEKDI aka MCDONALDS kt perlis

haih, aku kt zaman jepon ka apa nih. =.=

lots of laf~ 

**cerita melbourne nanti time dh sehat sket cheq update na. eh i xsehat tau ni..walopon time membebel kt atas ni mcm sehat je kan. hhehe


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