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another 11 days bebeh!

and ill be back in malaysiaa..

cant waitt!!! weehoppp2
and also, 3 more papers to go. (=.=)

err. cant wait too, even though im not fully prepared. err actually didnt prepare at all for the software requirement and project engine paper. 

hoping for the miracle. 

this computer architecture really make me sickkkk. the more i study n try to understand the whole concept.. the more confused i get. what theee fishermen!

memory address register, memory buffer register, data path, microinstruction, IJVM, error correction, instruction set, cache principle and the list goes on. pleaseee. be kind to me. cant u all just get in my head and stay there until i finish the paper ok? after that i dont care where you guys want to go. up to you.

my first paper on this final exam week is on friday. please pray for me. 

"ya Allah ya tuhanku, Kau berikan lah nur raihan syazwani kesenangan dalam menghadapi peperiksaan, kuatkanlah ingatannya, tenangkanlah hatinya dan semoga tajam ingatannya. sesungguhnya kami bertawakal kepadaMu. sesungguhnya kami adelah hamba yg lemah. amin! "

thank you very much! 

l0ts of laf~


Unknown said…
syaftome said…
gud luck...
i know you can do it...
wish u the best...
rehan syazwani said…
cik mina: time kaseh sayangs. mwaahs
syafiq: thanksss!! i.Allah...amin!
jumb0 Gem0k said…
alamak,,xde jupe button folo ar kt blog ni...isk3..
rehan syazwani said…
cik jumb0: hehehe..ade la aniss. kt belah kanan tuu. ;)
MR Bang Miji said…
cpt lar balik.sumbat anak kanggaro sekor dlm beg.nnti i jemput u kt klia.
rehan syazwani said…
acececeyyy..rajen plak bang mijie nk jemput i ye. tringin lah nak naek kete baruuu. ;p tp i tros blk kk la..transit kt kl kejap saje.
Unknown said…
mokciiikkk reheeee!!!
cpat blk meet n greet kitorg kat cni nnt.gagagagaga
rehan syazwani said…
gustos babes! hehehe. nak balek dh nii!! cant wait to finish the papers.

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