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visa approved.

senyum smpai sepet2 mate. teringat kt teman sekatil 2taon kt utm. ;P

a perfect morning starts with talking to en. dear, umi's delici0us nasik lemak+cappucino and a phone call from my agent.

"hye raihan, your visa have been approved. so u can collect it at my office."

alhamdulillah.... :)

so now i can call miss syahida from mara sponsorship division to book my flight tix and asked her if she can arrange my flite so that i can transit in kl for some time to meet my if there are so many of them want to see me...hehehe

but now, i still cant decide when is the best date to maybe 14 or 15 of july..we'll see...for now, i have contacted one of phd student there and i will stay with her for 6month before her fmily came on december, if im not mistaken. but the problem is, she also just arrived there and still looking for a suitable accommodation.

she had found a house but if we want to rent it, we must move in by next week or a fortnight. and 1 more thing, even though im not there yet, i still have to pay for the rent which is quite expensive, about 200aud for a week. so, im thinking dat after i've arrived there only we will find a house. and before that, we will stay at other students place. ok. accommodation probs resolve. :)

what else to worry? mmmhhmm...i really doest feel anything rite now. i just feel like im going back to utm. maybe perth is not that far from msia, the flight tix also not so expensive with early booking. u know of my friend who went there last february will coming back to msia end of this month. ohohoo..

pray for my success kay dear friends.. :D

l0ts of laf~


fe3za said…
syg, nanti i nak gi jejalan kat aus, tumpang tdo umah u eh. pastu u jadi tourist guide.bley x?

rehan syazwani said…
boleyh la cyg!! kne tggu i smpai dlu..bru leh tinjau2 tmpt b4 nk bwk org..kalo sesat naya nanti..hiks
Aimi Ahmad said…
congrate rehan..!!jage diri lek lok kat tempat org yee..
Ahlami said…
very true indeed.
perth is not that far from malaysia and there is airasia, tiger airways, that you can always count on them to fly home. easy girl easy!

alhamdulillah bereh belako.
ami pon xajim sapa perth lagi nih. nati balik hujung thn nie, ami transit perth. kalu rehan ado, bleh la ronggeng perth kejap..hihi..
all the best dear!
rehan syazwani said…
cik aimi: tenkiu2! ;D i.allah~

cik ami: buleh2..bisa ajaa..hehe tggu sapa dlu ni...baru leh koya2 sket...xsaba nk pkai bj bulu2..kakaka darak sket ambo nih. :P
izue said…
feeza: jom gi same2 serang rehan nti! hihi.

rehan: nti klo transit..gtau tau. klo sempat, mmg nk jumpe sgt2!tau..!
rehan syazwani said…
misti btau! kalo x, sedeh je transit tp xdek org pon nk jmpe..heee

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