me: form 1
apis: standard 1
yana: 5years old
nabila: 3years old
erin: still in design and implementation stage
l0cation: kuala lipis,pahang
me: 22yearsold young
apis: 17 *spm candidate*
yana: 15 *pmr candidate*
nabila: f0rm 1
erin: standard 1
l0cation: kota kinabalu
h0w fast time passes with0ut i even noticed it....in 10 years there are a lot of things that change in my life...l0ok at wh0 we are in 2000 and 2010...dats a big different aite...in 2000 i only have 4siblings...but now erin already started her school...nabila als0 had enter the sec0ndary sch00l...
im very thankful and praise t0 Allah for giving us l0ts of happiness and joy~ we are als0 blessed f0r having umi and baba that always support us...thanx! luv u all~
h0pe this happiness will last f0rever...aminn! :)
heehee...yeah..i know...my introduction is a lil bit dramatic...but im really missing my pastime...when i was a girl...when i d0nt have to think ab0ut problem..when i feel s0 happy..just playing and enjoying life...its n0t that i want to c0mplaint about my life rite n0w but just t0 remember th0se gud things that had happen t0 me...s0 that i can appreciate my life now...i am wh0 i am know because of everything that had happen in my life..experience is the best teacher...its damn rite...
ok2...enuf...hehee act i just want t0 tell u ab0ut what happen t0day...t0day is erin's first day at school...i tink she didnt faced any problem since she had enter the kindergarten...otherwise she is s0 excited to start her first day...to meet new friends and also the teacher...when she g0t back from school this afternoon, she keep telling the story ab0ut what is happening at her school...one of standard 1 student already hurt his head when fall d0wn the stairs..huhu...poor him...starting school with that memorable experience...eeheh
nabila's class are in the afterno0n session...s0 at 10a.m i already have t0 c0ok the lunch f0r her because baba will sent her t0 smk teb0bon *i dun know h0w to spell it..huhu* at 11.30a.m....waah...baba must give me an 'successful and hardworking bibiks' award t0 me... ;P or a handbag or a pair of sh0es maybe? V(^,^)V
as a multitasker pers0n...aceh i als0 read s0me sample of essays f0r ielts that i search through net...h0pe i can remember s0me of them..huhu
dats all f0r now...see ya laterr!!
l0ts of laf~
ooh...btw 1alfa is erin's class..
me: form 1
apis: standard 1
yana: 5years old
nabila: 3years old
erin: still in design and implementation stage
l0cation: kuala lipis,pahang
me: 22years
apis: 17 *spm candidate*
yana: 15 *pmr candidate*
nabila: f0rm 1
erin: standard 1
l0cation: kota kinabalu
h0w fast time passes with0ut i even noticed it....in 10 years there are a lot of things that change in my life...l0ok at wh0 we are in 2000 and 2010...dats a big different aite...in 2000 i only have 4siblings...but now erin already started her school...nabila als0 had enter the sec0ndary sch00l...
im very thankful and praise t0 Allah for giving us l0ts of happiness and joy~ we are als0 blessed f0r having umi and baba that always support us...thanx! luv u all~
h0pe this happiness will last f0rever...aminn! :)
heehee...yeah..i know...my introduction is a lil bit dramatic...but im really missing my pastime...when i was a girl...when i d0nt have to think ab0ut problem..when i feel s0 happy..just playing and enjoying life...its n0t that i want to c0mplaint about my life rite n0w but just t0 remember th0se gud things that had happen t0 me...s0 that i can appreciate my life now...i am wh0 i am know because of everything that had happen in my life..experience is the best teacher...its damn rite...
ok2...enuf...hehee act i just want t0 tell u ab0ut what happen t0day...t0day is erin's first day at school...i tink she didnt faced any problem since she had enter the kindergarten...otherwise she is s0 excited to start her first day...to meet new friends and also the teacher...when she g0t back from school this afternoon, she keep telling the story ab0ut what is happening at her school...one of standard 1 student already hurt his head when fall d0wn the stairs..huhu...poor him...starting school with that memorable experience...eeheh
nabila's class are in the afterno0n session...s0 at 10a.m i already have t0 c0ok the lunch f0r her because baba will sent her t0 smk teb0bon *i dun know h0w to spell it..huhu* at 11.30a.m....waah...baba must give me an 'successful and hardworking bibiks' award t0 me... ;P or a handbag or a pair of sh0es maybe? V(^,^)V
as a multitasker pers0n...aceh i als0 read s0me sample of essays f0r ielts that i search through net...h0pe i can remember s0me of them..huhu
dats all f0r now...see ya laterr!!
l0ts of laf~
ooh...btw 1alfa is erin's class..
2.that is just life...we are becoming more and more mature as days passes by....be strong and what thought you use it wisely aite...
3.you are lucky to have a great supports group...your family...yet its noble if you could put yourself in the shoes of less fortunate for ours to carry our duties as caliphs on the world ok my dear...
4. all the best in brazing through life greatest challenge....LIFE itself
*courtesy of macha da great who loves you...maaaahhhhxxx*
2. yup! will do~
3. ok~
4. live life t0 da fullest!! weho000p~