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weight gain

this m0rning, me+umi n anak2 ayam seduced baba to take us t0 kk with him bec0z he was having a meeting at centrep0int.. s0oo, while waiting f0r him,we can g0 for a shopping spree..h0yeah2!! ;D

all of us woke up early t0 make sure baba will not left us first erin d0esnt want to open her eyes n keep on saying that she was s0 sleepy...but i manage to coax her n we have to
play awhile with her bef0re she got up n take a bath...

we pick up baba at 8.15a.m at his office...baba has t0ld us if we're late, he will ask the ikm's driver to sent him there...ofkos we will be rite on time aite..ehe...we finally arrived at kk at 8.45a.m n as the sh0p isnt open yet, we decide to have some breakfast at restaurant madinah *umi misses mekah so much dats why we go to this restaurant... ;P * . this is the first time i eat the marvelous roti canai at kk..huhu sad huh? act we rarely g0ing out this early to the town...roti canai at ip not really yummy as this one..ok i tink i cant stop storying ab0ut the roti canai...s0rry cant help myself bec0s it is an extraordinary thing if u taste a delicious meal here in sabah..huhu maybe their food d0esnt really suits me *missing my h0metown*.

after that, we begin our j0urney..hiks t0 the centrep0int...den my anak2 ayam decide to g0 to warisan square...n then went back to centre p0int..yana n nbila g0t themselves sandal each...they said that it is f0r prep class...den umi reply "ni mcm kas0t nk g joget je?". is...last time when i study at mrsm, i just wore 'slipar jepon' during the prep time...err almost of the time act..hehhe...maybe my mrsm is n0t really into the rule thingy..thank god becos student will tend t0 break the rule it is better to put all the things in easy everyb0dy will live happily ever afta.. (~,^)

i am a gud girl t0day...i just g0 for wind0w sh0pping n f0llowing the anak2 ayam g0 here n there...gud girl aite??im not buying anything.....yet~hheehe maybe c0z n0thing really attract my attention...BUT i will c0ntinue my mission at 1b0rneo..h0pe there will be m0re sale...1B..wait f0r me kay? ;) den baba called n told us to wait f0r him at the restaurant sri melaka f0r lunch...s0 after s0lat zohor...we g0 to the restaurant n order the fud...baba called again n said that he will be a bit late bec0z he has to someting to d0 with the car insurance s0 he told us n0t to wait for him. dat time is ab0ut 2.30p.m s0 we all r very hungry...s0...ngapp22~

after a while, baba came n he has t0 top up the order since we have finished alm0st of the laok...hhehe...we just f0llow ur order sir! ;D the fud??oh...the fud r g0rgeous...h0h0h0 really delicious...we ordered asam pedas ikan, sambal sotong, black pepper ciken, butter prawn n sayur manis *recc0mendation from the waitress*. i rarely finish my rice but this time i was like jeling2 nasik erin...h0h0...really happy bec0s i eat l0ts of delici0us fud today..n my missi0n t0 gain weight will be successful..h0h0

on da way back yana ask me t0 accompany her t0 1b0rneo but sorry dear....k l0ng really tired n have to take a bath...nex time kay? i l00vee to... =)

l0ts of laf~

**sindrom nk amek blk ielts...azam nk tulis bl0g dlm english smpai xm tu...9jan2010..huhu arap2 bejaye la...sbb kal0 kot bm tulis beberape minit je...kal0 english beberape jam la...ehe~
**kpd cikgu2 english ke..student tesl ke...sape2 je yg nk betolkn ayat sy yg mrepek n berterabor itu...silekan...jasamu dikenang! ;D


anas said…
good effort my are doing great....overall i give you 85%...a little mistake here and there otherwise i don't think it should be any problem with your writing...

try to be more careful with your tenses..... cegu BI plak...
rehan syazwani said…
really? eheee...what band u will give me? kih3~ btw i always hav problem with the tenses...there r s0 many to remember~ huhu

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