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buntu suda~

ph0to credit to Neener1

assalamualaikum!pagiii...awal sy mang0n arini walopon berc0ti*ehem2*. siap kejot nbila bang0n solat lg taw...smalam sy td0 agak awl lepas pnat bertungkus lumus mencarik universiti yg sudi trime sy..isk2~ (T.T)

2,3 arini sy d0k mnunggu email feedback dr unisa or cynthia psal rayuan sy utk msk uni tu...n ptg smalam dpt la replynye:

"Unfortunately, Jane said that they can't accept your IELTS score, but they can grant you a scholarship to take their English Program in UniSA for 10 weeks, but you will need to ask your sponsor is they are willing to pay for your living expenses in Adelaide for an additional of 10 weeks?

As Jane mentioned also that the English program starts in 16th Nov, 2009 and finish in 5th February, 2010, you would not be able to make it. The next intake for the 10 weeks English would be 4th Jan 2010 and finish 12th Mar 2010, but the timing will not be right for you to join the February 2010 intake because you will late already.

Therefore, Jane suggested that you take the 10 weeks English in 27th Apr 2010 and finish in 2nd July 2010, then you can join the July 2010 intake for your Master program.

kal0 mls bc xpe...ksimpulannye deorg xdpt bg sy msk ngan result ielts ni...berserabuts malas nk amek lg skali ielts tu..sgt malas...s0 sy perlu carik alternatif laen: carik uni yg ade intake jan/feb yg nk trime sy ngan result ini...kal0 end of this m0nth xdpt lg, bru la sy akan repeat the ietls paper..pfffhhh~

pastu sedang d0k tgk2 list p0n g buzz gare..nk tanye die psal uni2 ni kn..sbb die bru dpt biasiswa ag0ng*bangge jap sbb knal die..hikk* den sdang nk smb0ng phd jgak...die ini mmg sgt genius ok...maen sane..meting sini,,result menten 4flat...*terngange kekaguman sy pon*. pastu die suggest beberape uni yg ade intake jan/feb...byk je xjmpe..mekaseh gare!!jasamu dikenang! =) die p0n sroh sy try wat deferred entry utk uni2 ug sy pnah mntak dlu yg sept intake mntak tuka ke jan/frb intake...s0 sy g la mengkorek blk email lame2 dr uni kt uk yg sy pnah dpt blk deorg. so skang tggu jwapan.

sy p0n g la apply ke uni2 yg gare ckp antare uni2 yg sy bru apply: uni of glasgow,uni of liverpool,uni of aberdeen n uni of glamorgan. d0akan sy berjaya...mntak2 ade yg dpt trime application sy ni ye...k0rangg...amek la sy blaja janji blaja sungguh2!!! (~,*) heeee

l0ts of laf~


rehan uni kt uk leh ek masuk intake jan feb, sebab yg ak tau kitaorg belajar 2 term, pastu exam on april, pastu projek start april until sept, klau research ko leh masuk bebila, asal sedia ko leh gerak masuk, cube try uni kt nz, sebab nz intake jan gak, selamat berusaha k rehan..
rehan syazwani said…
tu uni2 yg i mention tu ade jan/feb intake kalo bile la deorg nk reply agaknye...ok2..mekaseh kak wani... =)
Ahlami said…
xleh masuk jgk eh unisa.
pelik jugop..padahal tikah sket ja markah ielts tuh..kalu masuk unisa, jupo doh kito sini..hihi..
ehh....kalu bleh UK bestt lagii!
goodluck rehan!
rehan syazwani said…
tu la cik ami..smpai ti de0rg rejek say0...huhukir0w bena dih kt aussie..saem2 rhn pon oyak gtu..tu la..tenkiu2...mitok2 ad0 rezki nk maen snow...s0kmo maen pasir yah..hehee

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