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Showing posts from July, 2009

shawl addict~

knape ye...lately ni asek gatal je tue2 salu ckp nk msk duet sy rs lg byk kluar je mcm...klik sane...klik sini tetbe eh,dh terbeli...bhaye jgak ye sh0pping kt tenet ni...huhu rsnye da bleh st0p kot... ni nk cite ptg smalam pas asar umi tanye "nk g bli tudung x utk k0nvo ni..kal0 nk j0m la kluar". saye sengeh je...umi pon da paam den die pon g la besiap2...tung tang tung tang...kte0rg be3 p0n kluar, umi n erin si r0ngak...nabila kne tinggal s0h blajo kt umah *padahal dh taw die bkn blaj0 pon* huhu..pastu g la ade satu kdai ni tudung.. 'Dubai C0llection' . d0k kt situ stengah jam lebey gak...apetah yg ditgk2..last2 tersangkut la 1plain shawl kaler cream...umi plak nk bli bj...dh try2 tetbe mcm bar0t nangke je...hehe saiz sudah abesh~ die pon redha aje la... pastu kte0rg g jakel jap nk carik manik lace...xdek bli 1 tudung je kt nabila..kang sdeh plak bdk tu kal0 xbli pape kt die..da la kne tnggal kan...tgk2 jam kol kte0rg decide

sy dh dewasa!~

si rehan yg kurang sehat...hehehe wanita bekerjaye~cheewaah...hek2 umm...nape eh...ade 0rg ckp lately ni sayer mcm asek nk marah2 je...maybe kot...tekanan perasaan kah? sbb byk sgt men tenet ni...n tenet yg lembap menyebabkn perasaan yg kurang enak?mungkin juga....huuhu cane nk paam other pep0l feelings rs sy ade msalah tang situ la...asek nk gembire2 je...xtaw pon kot2 ade org xsuke ngan kegembiraan itu...maybe kgembiraan itu mndatangkn rs xenak pd org laen...tlg bantu sy mnjadi lebih matang mungkin~huhu sbb xsumer mnde kte nk enj0ykn....ade mnde yg perlu kte jd awat la mcm malas sgt nk mcm xreadi ye jgak...sbb tgk kwn2 sebaya sy d0k enj0y je lg ngan ms remaja mereka...mcm seronok je...kejelesan sbentar tgk mreka njoy their life...lepak sane sini...adekah sy sudah tue? cbe tgk gmba kt atas ni...yg mne lg sesuai ye agak2...kih2 mungkin masenye dh smpai utk sy menjadi dewasa....cheewaah! *nanti tgk2 padahal same je...kikii* kpade sesape yg pnah t

niat yg murni~

ape yang murni sgt ni....cbe la tgk gmba kt bwh ni... ha...nmpak x niat murni erin ni...bg0s tol nak blaja smayang ye...SYUKUR ALHAMDULILLAH *nada mesti mcm iklan bio-aura*. tp pelaksanaan die sedikit kurang berkesan. mungkinkah die cube wat pesen baru cara2 pkai kain smayang. yg pat0tnye kt dagu dh bertukar di dahi nampaknye...yeah g0 baby! u r a trendsetter! ;) ini je kot nak k0ngsi psal adek b0ngsuku la maenan kte0rg kt umah..ganti barbie doll..hehe jumpa lg di laen entri! lots of laf~


ni sbenanye cite smalam mcm bizi sket..xsmpat nk update blog ni *mcm byk keje je daku ini* heheee.... ha...jeng3..gamb0 sape plak ni ye....hihi yg tudung kaler peach tu nme die cik mina..yg tudung perple tu nme die dila....*s0ri dila nmpak mate je..hihi*. smalam d0k tgk list kt ym tu..tetbe gatai tgn nk kac0 cik mina ni...jarang kan die on9....s0 ym2 la ngan die...dah keje kawan ku s0rg ni...smpai ke kedah merantau...da b0le tu g dok umah nad...xyah sewe umah...hihi. dok ckp2 ngan die ni pastu die s0h saye cite psal jiran sy kt bl0g ni... s0,arini sy nk cite psal jiran sy. alkisahnye bermule time sem1 ta0n 4 kt utm tu. mas0k blok baru lg walopon kolej still same *KTC tetap dihati okay* ;) . ni la ghupe bl0k ksayangan ku... ms memule tu sdey sbb tepisah ngan rakan2 ku *izue,amy,sk0d*. upenye de0rg tetpkn bilek ikot kos sbb tu da tepisah ngan mereka. memule sk0d same d0k kt blok ni. tp die berjaye puj0k cik doralin *kak wani jgn marah =P* tuka bilek ngan die. pastu

angel unc0vered~

opsie...wat with dat title??hehee...dats just a n0vel dat i recently read and just finished it yesterday. its an interesting novel and honesty, the ending is not like wat i expected...phew..but still an happy ending i guess...h0pe Angel will be happy.. ;D act, this novel is about a girl name Angel who is a famous model in Britain who married Cal a sexy footballer (do i need to mention dis one? ;P) and they have a beautiful baby gurl named Honey. their marriage is not as happy as anyone could see them because they have to face so many conflict in their marriage after Honey was born. Angel faced a post-natal depression problem (if im not mistaken) but she didnt tell her hubby n thats make Cal thinks theres something wrong with his wive. they didnt discuss the problem with each other and keep on making assumption. Cal having affair and so as Angel. they havng a very hard time n finally she make her own decisi0n~ she just ch0osing dat other guy. m0ral of the st0ry from dr laf: * try to sha

the j0urney begin~

hi sayer rehan! ;) assalamualaikum....hye! this is my first entry here...maybe bru terase nk creat my own blog f0r myself as the medium for me to express my feeling....aceh~ n ofkos to share the precious m0ment that happen in my life maybe with my great granchildren la cite nyang d0lu2... ;) sape2 yg terbace ke...anggap je k0rg mcm bc crite je ke kay?sbb sy ske merapek2...huuuhuh~ 0kie dokiee....see ya later! mmmuahhx~ lots of laf...