Assalamualaikummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! After about 5years (hamagerddd) abandoning this blog and now im backk haha. tapi dh tukar the blog url and theme semua so tht nampak clean sikit. ewahhh So hello semua. after a while here my first post after being a mom. pasni posting misti so bowring je wakakaa. smalam kteorg anak beranak bajet2 tourist la jejln kl naik public transport. sbenanye bapaknye je nk claim birthday cum anniversary cum father's day punye present (kesian bini cheapskate haha). dia memula nk g pertama complex je tp mak ni kepala otak bergerak je keje cari pasal nak berjalan so google la pasal bas hop on hop off ni. dah lame gler la usya bas ni asek tgk tourist naek cm best jee. tp dlu igtkn mahal gila pastu cm poyo nye lah. haha rupanyaaa tiket murah je untuk Malaysian. RM 19 for adult Children below 5years freee lahhh.kekdahnyee. igtkn smpai rm50 sorg haha. so rs cm okey la jugak since bus tu pergi byk tempat. Overall ade 23 stops.
assalaamualaikum! first time i met her during forecast program at utm skudai back in 2005. we are not in the same class, tp sebab bukaan ramai mane pon bdk2 forecast, so we know that familiar faces, budak2 hingusan baru lepas spm kena paksa belajar. hahaha. of course perasan kewujudan dia sbb lawa sgt. hahaha sounds pervert isnt it? kahkah aku mmg suka tgk pompuan lawa. kagum dgn ciptaan Allah. ceaceaa so kalo aku dok tenung tgk korg tu, korg lawa la, tau? hehe oh tgk laki omey kachak pon kitew suke gak. so balance ler. nyehnyeh. and dah mmg jodoh nak jadi kawan baik, msk first year, ade la jadi mcm2 pastu sampai la kteorg jadi roomate. trus jadi rapat sampai sekarang. how time flies. its nearly 8 years since the first time i met her and she's still the same person that i know back in 2005. manja, sensitive, tak reti nak marah, gelak tersedu sedu. hahahaha sorry syg. gelak awk mmg omeyy sgt. :p and tomorrow, she will be marrying the love of